Vietnam Liberation Art - A BUDDING ARTISTE - 3rd of May 1965 - NLF, Viet Cong, 3 For Sale

Vietnam Liberation Art - A BUDDING ARTISTE - 3rd of May 1965 - NLF, Viet Cong, 3
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Vietnam Liberation Art - A BUDDING ARTISTE - 3rd of May 1965 - NLF, Viet Cong, 3:

South Vietnam - Land and People - Sketches

Liberation Publishing House

Published in 1967 - Size 18.5 x 24.5 cms (7.5 x 9.5 inches)

I have only one of each piece available.

Rare War Art - Propaganda Art, published by the Liberation Publishing House (official publisher of the 'National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam' - NLF - VC - Viet Cong). The first two photographs detail the individual piece you will receive. The other photographs are for information purposes only and are used to detail the art and the publisher. I hope you enjoy viewing these special pieces.

Title - A Budding Artiste

Artist - Huynh Phuong Dong

Date - 3rd of May 1965

Location -

South Vietnam Pictures

Napalm, phosphorus, rockets, super-bombers, expanding bullets, toxic gases - the American command in South Vietnam recoils from none of these and any other means of extermination.

Against such unbridled barbarism, the Vietnamese people have successfully defended their freedom. Against one of the most colossal war machines ever known in history, "people's war" is being fought with valiance and creativeness, combing bamboo spears with anti-tank guns - a war in which a young mother's persuasive voice is just as a ten-year-old boy's inquiring look, also are weapons.

No less effective weapon is art with its colours and melodies. For this is life which is grappling with death, the forces of a bright future with the evil forces of a rotten past of oppression. Here heroism goes hand in hand with beauty: the fighting people demand poems and songs and drawings as urgently as rifles and bazookas.

With a few pencils and a charcoal in their knapsacks, the painters in South Vietnam set out for the front, following the combatants in their march and the popular masses in their demonstrations, crawling under showers of bombs and shells to fix in their note-books here a man's or a woman's features, there a mangled coconut palm, there again an assaulting squad.

Many artists have thus fallen, others have been captured and submitted to atrocious tortures: They paint with their own blood.

The sketches by six artists of the people:

Co Tan Long Chau, Le van Chuong, Huynh phuong Dong, Thai Ha, Le hong Hai, Nguyen Van Kinh

that you find herein will perhaps help you to form a more thorough view of embattled Vietnam.

In our country there are not only bomb explosions and the smell of napalm-charred corpses, but also - everywhere, even in blitzed villages and rice fields scorched by chemical products - children who dance, men and women who sing, cameramen and painters busy filming and drawing, all of them convinced that their enthusiastic mettle will not die down although they know they risk their lives at any moment.


For your kind Control, North, South, Central, MACV,Special Forces, SOG, Special Op’s, Special Operations Group, 5 th SpecialForces, Army Security Agency, Military Intelligence, Psy-Ops, US Army, DeOppresso Liber, Airborne, 1 st Special Forces, CIDG, Mike Force, MobileGuerrilla Force, Mobile Strike Force, Operations Detachment, Provincial ReconUnit, Recon Teams, RT, USMC, United States Marine Corps, Vietnam War, WWII,WWI, French Indochine War, French Foreign Legion, Legion Etrange, ProjectOmega, Recondo School, Rapid Fire, Project Delta, Special Missions AdvisoryForce, Project Gamma, Project Sigma, Indigenous Troops, MACV-SOG, CCC, CCS,CCN, USARV, SMAG, TAG, Field Training Command, Recon Team Leader, US Navy, AirForce, AATTV, Long Tan, Nui Dat, AAFV, ATF, New Zealand V Force, Big Red One,1st Infantry Division, 1st Cavalry Division, Tropic Lightning, 25th InfantryDivision, Subdued, Patch, Patches, Uniform, Helmet, Flash, Beret, Arc, Tab, 101st Airborne Division, 82nd Airborne, 173rd Airborne, Combat, Militaria, Medal,Badge, Map, 199th Infantry Brigade, Old Ironsides, 5th Infantry Division, MAAG,USARPAC, XXIV Corps, 23rd Infantry Division, Americal, 38th Infantry Division,Black Op’s, Clandestine, Non-Conventional Warfare, 11th Infantry Brigade, 11thArmored, 196th , 1st Aviation, 18th Engineers, Medic, Medical, Viet Cong, VC,Viet Minh, Dien Bien Phu, Saigon, Tiger Force Rangers, Ranger, LogisticalCommand, Khe Sanh, POW, RVN, ARVN, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, NVA, Hanoi,Siagon, Phan Rang, LLDB, Bright Light, Free World Forces, Company, Platoon,Patrol, Long Range, Special Forces, ARVN, Green Berets, Elite, Recon,Reconnaissance, CCN, CCC, CCS, MACV SOG, SOA, Paratrooper, Parachutist, VietnamWar, Special Operations, Military, Tiger, Ranger, Route, Team, VC, NVA, VietCong, Command

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