Bringing the Peacemaker Home by Robert Taylor signed by Mustang & B17 Pilots For Sale

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Bringing the Peacemaker Home by Robert Taylor signed by Mustang & B17 Pilots: $365.00
BRINGING THE PEACEMAKER HOMEby Robert Taylor On July 20th the 91st Bomb Group attacked anairfield near Leipzig, suspected of harboring the Luftwaffe’s revolutionaryMesserschmitt Me262 jet. As the formation spread out for the bomb run, the401st squadron took the low position – the most vulnerable to fighter attack. As the crew of the B-17 ‘The Peacemaker’ steadied the ship to sight the target, the squadronwas attacked by Focke-Wulf 190s. As a Fw190 flashed past within 200 feet, itsguns blazing cannon shells ripped into Peacemakerand the B-17 began to slip below the rest of the formation. She was a long wayfrom home. Robert Taylor’s dramatic portrayal picks up thestory as the injured bird limps towards the sanctuary of the English coast.That she has gotten this far is a miracle, due in no small part to the closeattentions of escorting P-51B Mustangs of the 361st Fighter Group. To keep her flying, the crew jettisoning everything possible.The front hatch is open and bombardier Marion Havelaar has reluctantlydispatched his 20lb bomb sight to the ocean below – for him, an act of totalsacrilege, The Peacemaker made it backto Bassingbourne that day. THE SIGNATURES The print has been hand signed by the Artist alongwith aircrew personally involved in this actual mission, and in fighter escort: Colonel'Bud' Anderson - Fighter Ace with16 ¼ victories |Lt ColonelJames Fletcher - Co-Pilot of the B17 'Peacemaker' Colonel Steve Pisanos - Fighter Ace with 10 victories Lt ColonelMarion 'Curly' Havelaar - Bombardier on B-17 'Peacemaker' This is a classic Robert Taylor and some of the autographs are from veterans that were actually involved in this mission, making it really significant.
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